Eclipse RCP (Rich Client Platform) is a powerful free open-source platform for developing general purpose applications.
Eclipse RCP was chosen because of several goals:
It is based on OSGi principles. This means that we have a good flexibility between different modules. Eclipse RCP projects are based on plug-ins that provide possibility to easily include or exclude any modules. Or for example make two kinds of application –Trial version that contains only the Core functionality and Real version with the full functionality. Eclipse RCP supports a good Updating mechanism of existing projects with new versions.
Eclipse RCP platform already contains many solutions for implementing different tasks in GUI, Text handling etc.
There are many free open-sources Eclipse RCP based projects and plug-ins for many specific technologies and tasks that can be used instead of bootstrapping
Directly in our projects we use the following technologies:
SWT/JFace – for building GUI.
Resources plugin – provides access to file system.
Eclipse Workbench – to have a good organization of different GUI elements.
Eclipse Debug – organization of launching of different kind of scripts.
But also in our projects many specific technologies based on Eclipse were used such as:
uDIG SDK – Eclipse RCP based project for visualization and working with Geo Information Systems (maps, layers etc.). Particularly it was used to show specific user-defined information on maps.
EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework) – Eclipse RCP module for Modeling. It was used as alternative for structural information storing (e.g. Map contents).
Neoclipse – Eclipse RCP based project for visualization content of Graph Database Neo4j.
RDT (Ruby Development Tool) – Ruby IDE based on Eclipse RCP.
GEF – framework to create different user-specific editors.
AWT-SWT Bridge – was used to create a powerful alternative of Excel – Splash.
Also in Eclipse RCP based projects many specific technologies that are not related to Eclipse RCP were used:
Neo4j Database - is a graph database. It is an embedded, disk-based, fully transactional Java persistence engine that stores data structured in graphs rather than in tables.
jRuby – Java based interpreter of Ruby language. Ruby was used as a scripting language for Splash (analog of Excel) and console. Directly jRuby was used to have access to Java classes.
jTestR – Junit based testing framework for Ruby.
Maven and Tycho maven plugin – automatic building of Eclipse RCP based applications.
Eclipse RCP was chosen because of several goals:
It is based on OSGi principles. This means that we have a good flexibility between different modules. Eclipse RCP projects are based on plug-ins that provide possibility to easily include or exclude any modules. Or for example make two kinds of application –Trial version that contains only the Core functionality and Real version with the full functionality. Eclipse RCP supports a good Updating mechanism of existing projects with new versions.
Eclipse RCP platform already contains many solutions for implementing different tasks in GUI, Text handling etc.
There are many free open-sources Eclipse RCP based projects and plug-ins for many specific technologies and tasks that can be used instead of bootstrapping
Directly in our projects we use the following technologies:
SWT/JFace – for building GUI.
Resources plugin – provides access to file system.
Eclipse Workbench – to have a good organization of different GUI elements.
Eclipse Debug – organization of launching of different kind of scripts.
But also in our projects many specific technologies based on Eclipse were used such as:
uDIG SDK – Eclipse RCP based project for visualization and working with Geo Information Systems (maps, layers etc.). Particularly it was used to show specific user-defined information on maps.
EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework) – Eclipse RCP module for Modeling. It was used as alternative for structural information storing (e.g. Map contents).
Neoclipse – Eclipse RCP based project for visualization content of Graph Database Neo4j.
RDT (Ruby Development Tool) – Ruby IDE based on Eclipse RCP.
GEF – framework to create different user-specific editors.
AWT-SWT Bridge – was used to create a powerful alternative of Excel – Splash.
Also in Eclipse RCP based projects many specific technologies that are not related to Eclipse RCP were used:
Neo4j Database - is a graph database. It is an embedded, disk-based, fully transactional Java persistence engine that stores data structured in graphs rather than in tables.
jRuby – Java based interpreter of Ruby language. Ruby was used as a scripting language for Splash (analog of Excel) and console. Directly jRuby was used to have access to Java classes.
jTestR – Junit based testing framework for Ruby.
Maven and Tycho maven plugin – automatic building of Eclipse RCP based applications.